Our strong suggestion for you is that you should try the free demo version of our software to extract vCard files from Outlook contacts folder. This demo will help you to extract 5 contacts at a time from vCard to Outlook.
Details For Extract vCard File From Outlook Address Book
Sometimes, there may be the scenario where you urgently need to details of some contact in your Outlook contact list and need to move them in your mobile phone to forward it somewhere. If you think about doing this then either you refuse to provide the contact detail or provide limited information.
In this case, if you were having the backup for all the contacts in Outlook to vCard files then there will be no complexity to provide any detail. To extract vCard from Outlook address book, we provide you an effortless way to extract multiple contacts at once. Software not only extract vCard from Outlook files but also extract Outlook contacts from vCard files. The most astonishing part is that you can accomplish both these task with same software.